
Dr.D.Purushothaman[LivingInWellbeing] , Director, of the Centre For Human Perfection, is a General Surgeon, Spiritual Scientist, Life, Happiness & Stress-Management Coach, Mentor, Meditation Guide, Wellness, well-being & NLP Trainer, Motivational Speaker & Consultant to Various National & International Organizations

My 45 years of Professional experience as a Medical Practitioner & as a General Surgeon working at various parts of Kerala, India revealed a lot of Insightful Thoughts & Facts in life, especially about the persons seeking Health Support in various categories.
Later in my career, after extensive research & study I have found that along with physical cure or healing Mental, Emotional, Psychological & Spiritual Cure or Healing is needed for all to experience a state of Wellbeing, Harmony & Happiness. Moreover, Pain is an alarming symptom which needs total cure of the Physical, Mental, Emotional, Psychological & Spiritual Levels.
Most of the time, we attribute disease and illness to the physical plane alone. In fact, the true picture is entirely different. After extensive studies & research I could find out that every disease starts in the Mind. And finally I understood the importance of Mind-Body Connection (Mind-Body Soul Integration) in the Healing process.
Let us realize that the most important & precious possession in our life is our own mind. Our whole life in expression & perception of our mind. We cannot experience and enjoy anything other than what is perceived by the mind.Unless & until there in a radical positive change in our mind setup, there is no freedom, no liberation, no harmony, no happiness, no love & peace in our life and the whole world at large.
Just like a virus creating a problem to the personal computer, our negative thoughts, emotions, words, situations, challenges, comments, images & the like many things will act as a virus and will affect our mind & brain (The Biggest Sophisticated Computer) and our whole physical and mental functioning become deranged or corrupted & will present as various physical & mental diseases and illness. Usually the physical symptoms are manifested very gradually and will be noticed only when it becomes an emergency. When we say the virus, it is a negative thought or a script which was registered in our mind & brain at some point of time, knowingly or unknowingly.
With this understanding & awareness, I had filtered & customized the recent advances in Science, Technology, Neural Sciences, Psychology, Spirituality, Mind Re-Programming and the like, many methods & finally evolved a process called PSYCHO-TECHNOLOGY.
Over the years, I was a Surgeon of the Human Body, now I am a Surgeon of the Human Mind.
Really it is a blend of Age Old Vision & Wisdom with New Age Scientific Knowledge aiming at eradicating the deep-rooted Fear, Phobia, Anxiety, Tension, Conflicts and the like Negative Emotions & Mental Blocks, enabling each and everybody to experience & enjoy a Stress-Free, Harmonious, Happy & Balanced Life.
The methodology we are presenting is working at the subtle level of the Human Mind- at the Sub-neuronal level of the Human brain, resulting in radical positive transformation in our innermost being and our entire life.
Our Psycho-Technology helps each and everybody to experience and enjoy the following

  • Exploring the Unconscious sphere of our Mind, releasing our Mental blocks and emotions, leading to psychological freedom and serenity in life
  • Learning the Art and Science of Living.
  • Managing our Personal and Social relationship in a better way
  • Learning to have a paradigm shift from a break down to a better state, experiencing Positivism, Creativity, Harmony and Happiness
  • Igniting a great Vision and Mission for our Life
  • Actualizing a renewed Life journey with a great destination and difference
  • The Secrets of Success.
  • The 7 step ladder to recreate our Destiny

For further details, Contact

Residency Road, Chinnakkada,
Kollam-691001, Kerala, India.
Handline: +91-8921128830 (WhatsApp)
Landline: 0474-2745052, 0474-2745053
Email ID :

Dr. D. Purushothaman
Ushus (S- 27), Sankar Nagar
Kollam, Kerala, India – 691001
Handline: +91474-2745051, +91474-275052
Landline: +919447794171, +919400645051
SKYPE ID : drdpkollam
